College Senior Portraits in Downtown Dover Delaware | Portraits

I feel we have learned an experienced a lot in the last two years. We have learned to be resourceful and to celebrate our wins and achievements in creative new ways. And I think that’s a beautiful thing! Our lives have been complex but we continue to find the joyous moments. Tiffany had one of these moments and I was so happy to help her capture celebrating the moment! We took her college senior portraits in downtown Dover Delaware!
As a fellow grad, college senior portraits hold a special place in my heart.
I always have fun in Downtown Dover, but had that much more of a blast with Tiffany. I truly love shooting around Downtown Dover for college senior portraits. (Or portraits in general!) The scenery provides so many different options for backgrounds for your beautiful celebratory photos!
If you haven’t been before, no worries! Not only do I have some of my favorite examples below, but I’ll also explain why!
It’s a nice mix of street style and greenery all throughout downtown. Which at the time was exactly what we wanted. We were surrounded by historic huge brick buildings which helped give a college senior on campus vibe during a time most colleges wouldn’t let us shoot on the grounds because of the state of the world. Not only were we able to achieve the feel that Tiffany wanted for her portraits but we also were able to do so in a way that was safe for the both of us!
Part of the fun of meeting you all and getting to know you more through our shoots is learning about all the fun things we have in common that you wouldn’t expect!
When I met Tiffany in downtown Dover we realized that we both unknowingly showed up with fruit earrings.
(Seriously, how cute are these cherry earrings?)
In all seriousness, I hope your biggest takeaway from this lovely session with Tiffany is that we shouldn’t let outside influence deter us from celebrating ourselves to the extent we deserve! Celebrate those wins, photograph those moments, have fun and be balanced!
Let’s continue to grow together.