A Lewes Delaware Photoshoot for Renada + Robbie | Family + Proposal | Portraits

One of the most exciting parts of life is all of the firsts we get to experience. Our parents document our first words, our first steps, our first everything. And the firsts never stop coming! The number of experiences waiting out there for us are infinite. How exciting is that?! This Lewes Delaware photoshoot was a first for me, but not because of the location, but because of the type of photoshoot.
It may sound odd, but not to worry, let me explain.
I’ll paint the scene for you. It was April of 2021 when we had this Lewes Delaware Photoshoot.
It was time for Renada and Robbie’s family portraits! They are a lovely family of four. Renada and Robbie are actually amazing entrepreneurs and own Phoenix Fitness here in Delaware. (Check them out if fitness is one of your New Years resolutions!) These portraits were extra special for me because it was something I had never done before.
We started off with some family portraits with their handsome sons, some couples portraits, and some portraits just for Renada.
And then it was time for the surprise! You see, some time before the photoshoot, Robbie got in touch with me and let me know of his secret plan. It was the anniversary of when Robbie proposed to Renada and he wanted to re-propose to let her know just how committed he still is to her and their family.
It was very similar to a vow renewal, but more like a commitment renewal.
A reminder to Renada that he still chooses her and their family everyday. And Renada said YES. Let me tell you, there was not a dry eye that could be found during this moment!